Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Big heart felt fun in Simi Valley California!

Welp - there is a first time for everything I guess ! 

I had my first heart attack on Monday January 17th, 2022. It was a mild one - thought it was indigestion, but then the same symptom happened a second time - so, drove myself to the ER. They did a blood draw, and sure enough, there was the telling enzyme ( troponins ) indicating I had a heart attack.

So, was admitted - they did an angiogram, showed me the blockage ( they twilight you, do not knock you out ) and then put in a stent in my central circumflex coronary artery. The entire procedure from them rolling me from my room to the OR, then back took less than 45 minutes - modern medicine at its best - Thank you Northridge Hospital Medical Center !

I was released to go home the very next day and feel great !