Friday, April 28, 2006

the larger image is 436 x 654 pixels - or 6.056" x 9.083" at 72ppi -- and the smaller image is only 117 x 174 pixels - or 1.625" x 2.417" at 72 ppi

here i have the 'should diplay as an inch' image that i inserted using "large"

SIZE matters ! - that is, when is an inch an inch - if i scan a ruler, and then display the image of the ruler on the screen, will an inch measure as an inch ? on my laptop, the image on the the top displays at 100% in Photoshop, but the 145% enlargement "inch" measures correctly when i hold a ruler up to my screen, but neither are correct in this blog...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

well, that looks nice, how about this ? - This is Jordan and my Wifes daugher Nicole.

trying a new 'convert a photo into something that looks like a drawing but fast and can be copied on a copier...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

hava java ! Just got my shipment today ! YES - soo good, and now i have enough packets to make a little house (like, you know, like you make when you make a card house !?

Friday, April 21, 2006

It was Michael Fisters B-Day on the 19th and Joans on the very next day, 4/20!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Lets see if Blogger can politely play a flash movie in my blog !
I am making a movie of posting on

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Today I am happy to say that I learned to read! Finally, at 50 ! I discoved that if you really pay attention to very single word in the sentance, the true meaning can actually understood and comprehended - I guess I am now truely a HIGHER MAMMAL. Anyway, thanks to my friend at PDF Snake I have finally learned how to use the Acrobat Imposition Plug-in and perform a "Step and Repeat, Flip" imposition - check out my step by step procdure by clicking over the link. Here is a small movie that shows what it does...

Here are the actual steps;

PDF Snake Menu

Step 1: Impose
Paper Size: double the original page height, original page width.
Layout: 1 Column, 2 Rows,
Repeat each page: 4

Step 2: RotateDegrees: 180 Page Range: even

Step 3: Impose
Paper Size: double width, double height
Layout: 2 columns, 1 row,
Repeat each page: 1

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Well, here again, I am trying to push on the fence and walls of what can be done in a Blog, or at least, on Blogger. So, here, I have link to a small Flash file using Camtasia that shows how to use our 'not yet released" ELAN TABS application - hopefully, it works !

Friday, April 14, 2006

Well, it is Good Friday today, and I have no idea what I am doing for Easter. I am probably working on my new product, ELAN TABS. Wow, like so what you may ask. Well, ask as you may, I have nothing interesting to say, so what the hey have a nice day, okay ? Interesting links today are L.A.Burmans site, All you ever wanted to know about JDF and perhaps more....

Sunday, April 09, 2006

separated at birth ?

Friday, April 07, 2006

Well, hey, I am sending a shout out to my home girl Cara Monday, hoping she is still alive and able to browse the internet - hey sugar - scroll down and see the wedding pics and call me as we gots a whole lot of catchin' up to do !





I must say i am not happy that the Blogger software does not enable me to 'play' my gif at 100% size - it scales it into a window - of course, you can click on it and it then lets the gif play at normal size...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

okay, well now - this is MUCH better...

Instead of actually placing the image into the blog (which the blogger software somehow 'converts' it and then places it there) If I link to the animated gif that happens to exsist somewhere else, well, then it "plays" properly...

The image actually lives here, but it should play fine (that is, animate) above...

new add Posted by Picasa

Here in this post, i simply click over the "Ad Image" icon and try to browse my local drive and upload the image...

but it does not animage...

the above is the link to this image;

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Java Juice Ad

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Today is Tuesday, raining here. Cleaned my garage, changed out the toilet roll dispencers and shaved my head. Sintilating stuff, for sure. Saw this amazing Apple OSX on Windows site, sweet stuff. Also a fan of Gradual Software. Have been working with ELIP, our new OCR application, and we have a lot of interested customers from the FOSE show we attended. I am also working a new version of ELAN Proofer Suite that descreens images - nice!