Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I have been working with a customer who has an online application that enables "photo album" and "digital scrapbook page design" functionality, and was interested in having as many people as possible register and try the tool - we are looking for honest, candid feedback - positive or negative
To register and try it, ---> click here <---
Thanks in advance!
BTW - If you build a 20 page book full of pictures, we will process, print, bind and ship it for 1/2 the normal price for a limited time - send one to your Mom, she misses you !
Okay, some of you ARE moms, or your Moms are no longer able to receive analog type gifts because their carbon based unit is no longer functional, but just make one anyway, and then think of her when you marvel at the quality!
- my designs are manly men like -
Oh, if you like the Cowboy Up! stuff, feel free to steal it from here
- I made it for a birthday party - needed a design to 'document' the event - well, that lil' 2 year old pardner had them there a dress up party and everyone was a cowpoke or a rootin' tootin' cowgirl.
Michael Jahn
1824 North Garvin Avenue
Simi Valley
California 93065
Cell: (805) 217 6741
Office: (805) 527 8130
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007

This morning we had clear sky's but watched the news as fires were burning near Malibu & Malibu canyon Road - it was crazy windy outside, trees knocked down all over. About 2:00pm, it became strangely dark, and I went outside to see the sky filled with smoke.

Friday, September 07, 2007
Sunday, September 02, 2007

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Click here to check it out !
It may not work with Explorer - use Firefox (it is better anyway!)
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I think one of the saddest things I hear in the blogs is that people are thinking that Adobe is suddenly become interested in standards because they are reading about Microsoft XPS and OpenOffice XML (OpenXML) in the news and think Adobe has to somehow respond. The fact is that Adobe has been very active and proactive in this space for many years.
Most people did not pay much attention when Adobe submitted Acrobat version 1.0 (PDF specification 1.0) to the IRS in 1993 - suddenly all Federal IRS forms were PDF, quickly followed by the States. When Big Brother adopts something, it becomes a defacto standard!
In my not too distant past, I worked for Actien-Gesellschaft für Anilin-Fabrikation (AGFA) as a consultant - AGFA was an Adobe vendor / partner, where we were using and promoting proprietary / secret sauce technology in our “standard” based ICC profiles and our AGFA “value added” PDF files. AGFA (who was owned by BAYER) was much larger than Adobe. It was Adobe that helped us implement PDF/X and helped us toward to embrace standards.
Monday, January 08, 2007

Adobe Mars -- Adobe is working on a way to create documents that are made up of files that adhere to industry standards (SVG, XML, etc...) and are 'packaged' as a ZIP archive. So, this may be a more developer friendly XML based PDF like thing - Several people at Adobe are declaring "Mars Attacks" as it may be an "answer" to Microsoft's new XPS file format. Being known as the PDF Evangelist does have it's downside - hopefully it will be painless!
I will be participating on a panel at the Lyra Imaging Symposium on January 30th, 2007 at the Rancho Las Palmas hotel in Rancho Mirage, California (near Palm Springs)